Introduction to SEO Practices
Search Engine Optimization decides the success of a business. If a website is optimized, nothing can prevent it from earning profits and increasing sales. This article explains the best practices to optimize your business for SEO.
1- Scatter the Main Keyword Throughout the Page
It is obvious to use the primary keyword a couple of times in a post. But the placement of the keyword is the real game-changer. First, it should be at the start of the post for at least one time. Then, scatter it throughout the post but make sure not to overstuff.

Overstuffing can look like using the main keyword multiple times in one paragraph or one time at least in one paragraph. The advised percentage is once per 200 words. Google puts more emphasis on a page with a decent ratio of keywords as compared to the posts with overstuffing.
2- Follow the Search Intent
After you have researched and found the right keywords per your niche, it is time to work on the user search intent for proper SEO. Search intent defines what a user is looking for. The main purpose of Google is to answer users’ questions without wasting their time. Things that are to the point go well with this purpose.
There are four ways to cover a topic: Navigational, informational, transactional, and commercial. The users searching for how-to kind of topics would prefer informative content over commercial, and so on.
3- Write Dedicated Meta Descriptions
SEO practices also involve meta descriptions that decide if your page will attract users or not. Because after the title, it is the most crucial factor in bringing the traffic. The best meta description is short, concise, and talks about the content on the page. One thing that must be included in the description is call-to-action.

If you do not write a dedicated meta description, Google will randomly pick it from the post. That practice will repel the users from your site. Write it from the user’s point of view: what can make a user click the link?
4- Focus on the Loading Speed
Google has talked about the website loading speed in white hat SEO practices. It shows that Google would never rank a site with poor loading speed. The present times are busy and impatient. Instead of spending one minute waiting for the site to load, a user would prefer to go to another one that loads in less than a second.
That is why boosting speed stands as one of the most critical parts of any business development. Upload pictures of smaller sizes use lightweight themes to ensure maximum speed.
5- Optimize the Images
A considerable portion of the user experience is attached to the page’s images. After you have spent a lot of time choosing the right image, make sure to spend even more time optimizing it. Most of the brands neglect pictures and focus only on text and videos. But images can bring traffic to your site from the Google Images section.

Conclusion to SEO Practices
Search engine optimization is not difficult to do with SEO. Once you understand what needs to be done and what needs to be prioritized, it becomes easy to optimize a business. Follow the tips given above and see your business growing with the right SEO practices!