Call to Action Factors for a Website

A call to action for a website is more than a button to make your visitors stick around. It is a complete marketing strategy in itself. Placing Read More or Click Here buttons is not what this strategy is all about. You have to categorize different CTAs and use each one as per the target audience.

Types of Call to Actions

Here are four types of must-have CTAs and their purpose!

1- Brand Awareness CTAs

One primary goal of every online business is to spread brand awareness. Just offering great quality products and waiting for word of mouth to bring about its magic is not enough. You have to make the most of all kinds of traffic to your website. For this, you can use two types of the Call to Action.

Like and Share CTA reminds visitors to share your content with their friends and family. They might place a link on their Facebook account so their friends can benefit from the valuable content.

Enter to Win CTA is quite intriguing since it encourages users to share how they won a prize from you with their friends and family.

2. Lead Generation

Every business aims to generate leads because random visitors are of no benefit. Lead Generating CTAs can effectively turn visitors into leads. Make sure to place these CTAs throughout your website.

You can put them in the sidebar, header, footer, and in between the content. Make sure to design these Call to Actions buttons as appealing and eye-catching as possible because you are struggling to get attention.

If you do not appear to be exceptionally creative, promising, aesthetic, and pleasing to look at, you cannot impress them and make them stay. The same goes for the page the CTA points to.

3- Lead Nurturing

Lead Nurturing Call to Actions are for that audience who are already your leads but are not showing much interest in your business. It’s because they want some better offer from you. Maybe they want a discount on products or a coupon to decrease their bill or a free trial.

You should not disappoint them. Place smart CTAs on your website where you give special offers or email your leads coupons etc.

3- “Read More” CTA

If your homepage is not dedicated to one type of content and is just a feed of all the content published on the website, Read More CTAs can do wonders. The first thing to consider for Read More CTA is to make the small part of the shown content interesting and thought-provoking.

At each post, add this call to action. The intriguing paragraph will encourage users to click the CTA and move to the referred page to find out more.

This CTA boosts the engagement rate of your website and gives the most popular posts the deserved value.


To make your digital marketing powerful, you need to make your CTAs effective. The traffic to your website includes first-time visitors, existing customers, promoters, product reviewers, loyal advocating customers, etc. You cannot throw one CTA in the way of all. MK Marketing Services can help you design such CTAs, that nobody can say no to. 

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The information presented within this guide is aimed at website owners seeking to learn the ropes of web accessibility. Technical elements are described in layman’s terms, and, as a rule, all topics pertaining to the legalities of web accessibility are presented in as simplified a manner as possible. This guide has no legal bearing, and cannot be relied on in the case of litigation.