How and Why Should You Use WordPress Blog Categories?

A category is a group of content related to a particular topic. Focusing on the same topics, finding engaging, relevant, and valuable content is possible. So, it is a grouping of related posts with a specific niche. 

Like you set categories for health niche, i.e., Physical health, mental health, exercises, meditation, etc.

Why are Categories Vital in a WordPress Blog?

Here are some reasons to justify the importance of categories in WordPress blogs.

1- Easier Content Strategy with Blog Categories

Another essential factor in any content marketing strategy’s success is creating a category-aware website or blog.

By using categories, we can get content ideas much faster by curating only relevant information and making it easier to find relevant blogs.

2- Effortless Site Navigation

Site Navigation is where categories serve the best as it provides a set of sortable post that best relates to the user query. The category helps a user navigate on WordPress blog; it also helps to find specific content.

The hierarchal or flat categories let the users observe the distinction and select the desired one.

3- Improve SEO Health

Let’s discuss the importance of using categories in the SEO of WordPress blogs because Categories are essential for search engine optimization.

Similar to how we think about categories in the physical world, classes are also used in the digital world to help create better content. 

We use them for SEO because when a user searches for something on Google and decides to visit this particular category’s website, they will end up on the website of that category. This automatically increases the authority of our websites.

4- Organize Blog Posts with Blog Categories

WordPress blogs are there to provide easy access to different types of content. The need for people to see and understand what they want can be easily satisfied by creating a category-aware blog.

It can be done by creating blog categories, which ultimately organize the whole content.

5- Better User Experience

Consequently, visitors can easily find specific information about products and services they are looking for within their site or blog posts. It helps when they see categories above the header, like Products, pricing, cart, buy, etc.

With this knowledge, these people will conveniently head their concerned category. Ultimately, it will add to your site’s user-friendliness.

How to Use Categories in WordPress Blog?

  • To add a Category, Go to your Dashboard, then Posts and Categories.
  • You can also click on Settings and then write settings. While clicking the Default Blog Category, you can select Add new.
  • Type the name of the blog’s new category here, and add a relevant slug for most accessible Navigation. As slugs, create a direct link to your categories.
  • To create a Hierarchal Category, go to the post, followed by a category.
  • Select the parent category in the drop-down menu, and add the Child Category name.
  •  You can add a description and slug, which is optional.
  • To manage any category’s display, Go to the Appearance section and then to the Widgets.
  • Drag and drop your category sidebar, which will appear in your blog header.

Final Words

A category is not a set of words; instead, it is a set of related terms used in the same way (i.e., on the same page). It allows marketers, bloggers, and publishers to categorize their content better.

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